Brief Introduction

Hi, my name is Shafiq Kyazze. I'm reading Chemical Engineering with Energy and Environment at The University of Manchester where I'm studying .

From an early age, I loved solving problems and analysing details; It's these skills that I highly enjoy using when dealing with big data.

"Big data is the most important resource of the contemporary world"

Areas of Interest

A look at the most exciting things I love working on

  • Data Analytics

    I love finding insights in data and visualising them

  • Machine Learning

    I enjoy the mathematical theory behind the statistical methods used in machine learning

  • Natural Language Processing

    Understanding the motivations behind human interactions is greatly fasscinating to me


A few of the projects that I've worked on in the past

Airbnb web app

A web application that predicts AirBnb house rental prices in London using Random Forest regressor.

Airbnb Data analysis

Explored the Airbnb London dataset and found some interesting insights.

Fashion MNIST

Built a simple Convolutional Neural Network that classifies fashion images

NYPD Complaints data anlysis

In the wake of BLM protests that rocked the world in 2020. I decided to explore at NYPD civlian complaints and made some important insights.